
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Freezer Paper Stencil Birthday Tee: Tribal Wolf

I finished Hubby's birthday gift and couldn't wait until the big day to give it to him. Tada! Here's the back of his tribal wolf tee. I love how it turned out! And he loves his new shirt. Which is always good.

The front. I decided to put a profile of a howling wolf on the shirt as well, and the front pocket made a perfect frame.

My homemade stencil. I printed out an image I liked and traced it onto freezer paper. After cutting out the parts I wanted to paint (Ah, exacto knife blisters joy!), all that was left was to apply the paint, let it dry and then heat set it.

Stencil on the back of the shirt. I think it looked awesome once I set it on there. I wish I could have left it just like that, but ah well. I had to paint over it.

It's my first time working with this type of stencil and I'm so ecstatic about it! I'm looking forward to making much more of these types of gifts.

UPDATE: 8/1/2010 I'm linking to:


  1. that freezer paper seems to be all the rage right now. SUPER FUN! love it! thanks so much for linking up too!
    P.S. that would be great for TEAM EDWARD... if you are a Twilight saga fan! WINK WINK! jenn

  2. Jen- That's so funny, I'm planning to freezer paper stencil a Twilight themed maternity tee whenever we have another baby! Thanks for stopping by & again for the linky partaayyyyy! :)
