
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Easy Awesome Jelly Buns

The other morning, we were in the mood for something pastry-like but the smell of fresh coffee reminded our stomachs that waiting for a traditional dough to rise was out of the question. So, after a look into the fridge and finding a canister of refrigerated biscuits (Yay!), inspiration hit and I had to share this quick how-to: 

I love Pillsbury biscuits.

Flatten each precut biscuit 

Place a spoonful of your sweet filling in the center. Remember, this is supposed to be easy, so use what you have. We had grape jelly, but I think this would be great with any kind of jelly or preserves.

Bring ends together and pinch to close. Place on cookie sheet, pinched ends down, and bake according to package instructions. Jelly leaked out of a few buns, so next time, I'll brush the inner edges with egg wash so they seal better.

10 minutes later.....

Mmmmm..... quick and delicious :)

We loved these! Baby Boy wolfed one down and then asked if he could have another "Awesome", hence the name. Am I the only one who thinks this week seems unbelievably long? I'm working on some crafts today and trying to keep my mind off my headache. Creating always seems to put me in a better mood :)

 Wishing you a wonderful and Wacky Wednesday....

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