
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Would While Away the Hours....

I am in full project mode today and things are going well. Nothing major, but I haven't been in a project-ish mood for a while, so I'm just going with the energy while I've got it.

I've been helping a friend clean up our apartment complex's poolside furnishings this week to get ready for the grand opening. We'll be having a luau for Memorial Day weekend and I can't wait for the pool to be ready! I'll be able to teach Baby Boy how to swim! I always thought I'd teach any children I had to swim early in life but until we moved here, it didn't seem like it was going to happen. I just love that we will have access to a pool!

Earlier today, I worked again on pool furniture until I ran out of paint, so nothing more to do there until tomorrow when the supplies are refreshed. While Baby Boy snoozes, I'm trying my hand at my favorite type of project: reusing things we already have. I love the creativity aspect, even if it's something small. Today it's turning cereal/cookie boxes into some type of storage. We'll see how that goes! It may be great, it may be bad, but hey, it passes the time. We were blessed with two lawn chairs that aren't needed at the poolside anymore (yay!), so while the revamped boxes are drying, I'll be scrubbing down our 'new' outdoor seats. I'm excited to have somewhere to sit outside! And the spot in front of our apartment is perfect for relaxing in the cool evenings. Well, I'd better get going. Have a wonderfully wacky day!

The 'before' of the chairs I've been working on. There are also matching metal tables that need to be repainted. I was only able to do two chairs and a table before the paint was gone.
Obviously, several of them are stacked here, but you can see the chipped paint and rust on the edges. There are even a few splatters of white paint from when someone used them as a step stool to paint a room.

And the reveal. This is after being sanded, primed and given a glorious new shiny coat of green paint. I hope you can see the difference. They look wonderful! Only 5 more chairs and 3 more tables to go!

Found this gorgeous piece of maroon and black silk in my scraps. One of my best friends sent it as part of a bundle of Thailand silks for my wedding gift. I had forgotten all about it for 4 years! Perfect to use in the guest bath for the Feminine Powder Room look, huh? Now I have to figure out how I can get the most use out of this half a yard of fabric.

Harharhar... one of the poor unsuspecting boxes I'm demolishing to scratch my crafty itch. Results to be shown later.

And my wonderful little man. Such a sweetheart! Hiding behind throw pillows and whispering 'I love yous' has been a favorite thing for a few days.

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