
Monday, July 19, 2010

Makeover Monday: Virtual Broom Closet

Select the drill bit and the bit of wall to mangle.

Drill holes (check with a spirit level) and tap in wall anchors.

Place fixture and secure with screws. 
I've had this for a while and it's a relief to have it finally up on the wall! I originally went to the store to get a broom and mop organizer, but there was none to be found. After several trips, I pretty much gave up. However, on my way out of the store that last trip, there was this "small umbrella holder" in the clearance section and my cheap little heart went all aflutter. I had found my organizer!

A virtual broom closet, which is really the unused space near the fridge where my swiffer, dust pan and broom used to tumble all over in an unsightly heap. It works just as well as this one. At least I think so.
Many thanks to Tresa @ Reese Dixon whose post made me aware of these wonderful things in the first place!
I think this counts as a makeover and a peaceful space post, don't you? It's made such a difference in keeping things orderly in our tiny kitchen. I like it! 

Ta for now, beautiful people!

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