
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weekend Brekkie: Skillet Casserole

I don't know if there is such a thing as a skillet casserole, but as my normal sized casserole dish was filled with something else, I threw all the ingredients for a casserole/quiche thingy into my skillet.

Sautee cherry tomatoes and half an onion, chopped.
As suggested by my older bro, I used coconut oil in the skillet.
This dish smelled so good from start to finish!

Four eggs.

Scramble and add milk until it looks right (don't you love my precise measurements?).

Add enough flour and mix well until it's the right consistency.
The mix needs to remain thin. If it gets even as thick as pancake batter, that's a little too much.
I know, I'm so helpful.

Cover and cook for 10 min on med/high heat. You'll be able to see it firm up.

Uh oh, totally forgot to brown the cooked sausage along with the onion and tomatoes.
Oh well, throw it in now and at least let them get warm.
Cover and cook an additional 5-10 minutes.

Stir and season with salt and pepper to taste.
This was so tasty and very filling because of the flour.
Baby Boy loved it with ketchup, but then, he loves most things with ketchup.

Enjoy your weekend! 
What are you munching on for weekend breakfast?


  1. Looks tasty! I've made something similar in the oven, but I like the pan option. And mine didn't have tomatoes...I bet that adds a burst of flavor. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. This looks so great! I can't wait to try it! Jarod is thrilled when I serve ANYTHING containing tomatoes! (Seriously, if all I served was a bowl of tomatoes, he'd be a happy kid.) I never thought of adding flour to egg casserole to up the filling-ness of it. I make egg casserole pretty often, thanks to all those cheap egg whites that I get with coupons. :) I don't have any tomatoes or onions, but maybe I can pull this off tonight for dinner, anyways. I think I'll use my egg whites PLUS some whole eggs, so it still has that yellow color. And cheese. I need cheese on it. :) I'm hungry. How long till dinner? :)
