
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Introducing Little Man

Here's our littlest sweetheart born April 25, 2011.

God has been so good! After several complications including low amniotic fluid, me getting put on bed rest, and having to go in twice a week for a month and a half to monitor baby's heart rate and brain activity, our son was born perfectly healthy!

We're so in love with our newest little one and Baby Boy is a huge help and is always loving up on his little brother.

Huge thanks to my sis who came out and spoiled Baby Boy while we were in the hospital :)

And to Hubby, my love, who is proving to me all over again why he's a wonderful man. I couldn't have begun recovery without him taking care of the boys and me 24/7. I love this man so much!

Praise the Lord for our two boys- such beautiful blessings!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! He's absolutely beautiful! And it looks like he has a thrilled big brother :) I'm so glad you're all doing well. Have a wonderful Mother's Day, and soak up that baby sweetness!
