
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Love Dare #25 Love Forgives

DARE 25: Whatever you haven't forgiven in your mate, forgive it today. Let it go. Just as we ask Jesus to "Forgive us our debts" each day, we must ask Him to help us "Forgive our debtors" each day as well. Unforgiveness has been keeping you and your spouse in prison too long. Say from your heart, "I choose to forgive."

I had several grudges I was surprised to realize I had never forgiven Hubby for. I hadn't known I had allowed them to fester and grow. There really are no words to describe how soothing the Bible, and God's forgiveness are to such pain.

Each grudge was from early in our marriage. They developed from the miscommunication nearly every new couple experiences. But by leaving them in place, they grew to influence how I react to Hubby now during disagreements or misunderstandings.

Disagreements are normal.
What's abnormal is the crippling hurt I've felt wash over me during a disagreement.
A recent example: my suddenly offended attitude during Dare 18.

Now I see that my anger was rooted in the past. I can't expect it to go away if all I do is gather the fruit off the tree.  More will grow in it's place.
I have to take a bulldozer to the tree itself and tear out the roots.
Then the only way to be truly free is to plant something good in its place to discourage any old roots from growing a brand new tree.

Lord, thank You for the gift of forgiveness! Thank you that I am now free to love my spouse without any reservations or old pain. Please remove that bitterness and replace it with love and compassion for Hubby. Thank You for blessing our marriage and giving me this opportunity to grow.
But most of all, thank You, Father, for my wonderful husband. Thank You for his unwavering faith in You and for his inexplicably deep love for me. Teach me to love, Lord. And to always forgive.

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