
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hope Through It All

 I Peter 1:3-9.
Verse 5 encourages me to remember to have faith. Because God has already provided a way for me to be saved from all these troubles. I just have to endure the trial first. But even in the worst of it, I am kept by the power of God.
Nothing else is as amazing as that knowledge. To know that these worries and this emotional pain will eventually cease. That no matter the intensity, it is all temporary and in the end God will work it out for good.

Peter also says in verse 7 that as a believer, my faith is counted as much more precious than gold because it will not perish like every costly earthly thing.

Verse 8 describes my relationship with Christ. I haven't met Him, but I love Him.
I love my Savior with all my heart because He continues to be faithful even when I forget to nurture my walk with Him. However, when I continually seek Him out and strive to be more like Him, He blesses beyond compare. He promises throughout the Bible that He will never forsake me and I've found that to be true.

I cannot see Him, but I believe in Him and because of that I can be joyful even when life doesn't hold much reason for it.

So in slowly reading through these verses I am realizing that even when it doesn't seem like it, there is hope. I can't trust my emotions right now. I have to hold onto God's Word and the hope it gives. My Lord has promised to bring me through every trial with a joyous heart if I choose to look at it through faith. And when all trials are over I can be sure of complete happiness in eternity with Him.

Lord, I want to be used of You, even when life is bleak. Lately, my heart feels as if it has been broken over and over again, but when I stop wallowing in the pain, I can still look up and find You there. Thank You, Father, for always being good! And for Your continued faithfulness that teaches me to be constant to You. God is holy and mighty, my Rock and my Deliverer; and He is always worthy of praise.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts Kilika. Keep encouraged! We are praying for you!
