
Sunday, January 23, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: DAY 1

 Ida at Parents Reinvented is a fellow frugal mama and beautiful blogger who shares great tips for saving money while raising a family. You need to check out her blog! Anyway, she's participating in this challenge and I thought it would be such a fun way to get back into the swing of things.

So here goes Day 1: A photo of yourself and 15 facts.
26 weeks pregnant :)

1. I love being a mom to my feisty toddler boy.

2. LOVE being married to my man.

3. Finding ways to save money is a passion of mine.

4. I love making beautiful, useful things out of what I have lying around. It's a huge stress reliever for me.

5. I like shoes way too much and have to talk myself out of buying a cute pair that I know will kill my feet :)

6. I love dancing, singing and sharing my Samoan heritage with people.

7. Sometimes I have uncontrollable cravings for Chick Fil A's waffle fries and honey mustard sauce.

8. Homemade things speak to my heart and I love making them.

9. I wish I could speak my native language fluently :) Maybe someday.

10. My God and my family are more important to me than anything else.

11. I would drive 6 hours or more to see a family member at an airport layover for 10 minutes. I love my family!

12. I miss the beautifully rough, untamed beaches of my island home. Living land locked is not my thing.

13. About 80% of my diet is raw produce but I love some fried foods and meat way too much to go 100%.
      Oooh, and bread. Gotta have bread & pastries :)

14. I adore being plus sized! Call me crazy, but I really really enjoy having curves. I have a goal size that I'm getting closer to as I lose weight, but it's still plus sized :)

15. I'm nearly 7 months blessed with my pregnancy! Another boy on the way, God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. Ok sis so we need to plan a Chick Fil-A date whenever I am in your area...or you and your family are always welcome to come to Alaska! Yes we def have a lot in common...esp missing family in Samoa! Can't wait for the next 29 days...make sure you are getting those legs massaged! You're almost there!
