
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Peaceful Space: Master Bath

On a recent thrifting trip I came home with these dried tropical-ish flowers. 

Oh yeah! Now that's my kind of bargain for meaningless dust collectors.

After arranging them a bit.
They're now adorning my island themed master bathroom. Aren't they lovely?

Why yes, that is a salsa jar that I hot glued shells to.
I had originally planned to cover the entire bottom half of the jar with shells but ran out and couldn't find the rest. I still may complete the bottom half if I ever find those stinking shells! I know I have them!
My solution to this was to stuff loose raffia into the jar to cover the stems.
I kind of love it. Odd though it is.

Aaahhh... hello pretty thrift store dead plants!

Top shelf.
Still working on it, but it's coming along nicely.
Tropical-ish "painting" was a yard sale find from last year. $4 I think.

My organic, homemade beauty treatments from American Samoa.
There's this amazingly talented woman who has a shop. She makes all the products and they're just lovely!
I was addicted, but now the cheapo in me is winning out and I'm making my own for less than a fourth of the cost.
Oh yes, I'm using the last of my supply sparingly....trying to draw out the inevitable.
Moisturizing oil body spray, lavender healing creme, my homemade soothing bath salts, moso'oi scented coconut body oil, more lavender creme, and my favorite products from that organic shop: Coconut oil based facial soap. I had nearly 12 bars and these are the last brave survivors.
Oh well, I use them for bathing now anyway, since finding the Oil Cleansing Method.

Ooh, my scent bug from Bath and Body Works with their home fragrance oils.
I have scent bugs in the guest bath and living room as well. All gifts from some wonderful family members.

The two oils used to scent the master bath are : 1)Caribbean Salsa  2)Sensuality: Black Current Vanilla. 
I mix them on the pad to create a unique fragrance. Mmmm... romantic and islandy.
Hey, we're going for an island resort feel on a very tight budget. Work with me here! 

Second shelf.
My basket full of Bath and Body Works goodies. Also gifts. Wow, I have frivolent tastes. And some very wonderful family members (enablers) who know what I like!
And yes, I love homemade bath products, but this stuff is a deliciously fragrant habit I have not been able to kick yet.
I realize it may not be the 'thing' to decorate with things that would typically be in storage but, hey I'm in a teeny apartment and having them up here really frees up my limited space under the sink.
What's sad is that I used to have twice as much, but only now put up the shelves.

I love this Dollar Tree flower pot holding one of my repotted African violets.
It's twin is also holding a plant in the master bedroom.

And one look at the entire thing.
I'm feeling a little closer to Samoa already. *sigh*
Hubby saved the shelves from being thrown out at a construction site when we first got married. They're solid wood. And brand new. What, are construction companies crazy now, throwing away quality shelving??
Yes, I love my frugal man. And I love those shelves!

The green lei twisted with white flowers is actually from our wedding. Sent with beautiful aloha from my lovely Aunt in Hawaii who also blessed me with the sheepskin rugs I'm so crazy about.

The bamboo box on the commode was full of gorgeous tropical flavored tea from my sisters.
So I transferred the tea to a kitchen cabinet and couldn't wait to get the tropical looking box to the master suite. It's empty for now. I'll eventually find something to put in there.

Thanks for stopping by to see my progress! I'm really enjoying putting our home together :) Each room is an adventure. It's slow going but so far I'm extremely happy with the results!

Ooh, Guess what? In the first photos are the brown shelves from my To Do list in the sidebar! I get to mark that item off! Sweet!!

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  1. I love the look in your room. I have always loved the tropical look and it looks so nice. The shelves in your bathroom are beautifully decorated. Very relaxing. Hugs for you. I love you.

  2. Thanks, Nana! I'm so excited to be slowly working on the master bed/bath now. Thanks for stopping by :) Love you!

  3. I love when decorations are actually usable--like your basket. I decided a few weeks ago that as much as I would love living in a home where every decoration is magazine perfect, practicality is more important. Now my bookshelves are "decorated" with our behavior system (still pretty-ish, rocks in jars..:)) and I use a shelf for library books (not pretty, but I have less fines b/c I know where our books are!)
    Love your salsa jar, I like the shells just on the bottom.
    Thanks for linking up to "AP Tuesdays!"

  4. great job getting it done...
    my 1st time @ Amy's meme

  5. Thank you, Amy, the master bath is a much more relaxing place now! And thanks for hosting Anti Procrastination day, it's helped me get off my tush and get things done :)

    skoots1mom- Thank you! So glad you found AP Tuesdays, it's been a wonderful motivator for me, hopefully it will be for you too!

  6. Good job with your decorating. It looks really good. I am trying to find some inspiration to decorate my house too, but I am four years into it and I am still struggeling. Seing you getting done is really inspiring me. Not that I am doing a island themed bathroom, but it is kicking me in gear to finally getting something done.

  7. Thanks, Marianne! I'm so glad you were inspired! That's why I love linky parties, there's always somebody's project that gives me just the right push to get my own stuff done. Hope your projects get marked off your list too!
